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COBC Membership Application

This application form is fully operational and ready for use.

MEMBERSHIP SUBSCRIPTION $75.00 per annum (subscription renewal is July/ August each year, members joining after March 31st  pay reduced subscription of $37.50 for membership up until July/ August renewal). The membership includes the immediate family and one boat.

Our 'new member officer' will be in contact with payment details upon receiving your application. Payment is to be made within 14 days of online application submission. Once payment has been received your application will be accepted at the next committee meeting. You will then be a Canterbury Outboard Boating Club member and have all the benefits of the club and be welcome to any of the many events. If on the slim chance your application is denied, a full refund will be given.

Once you have had your application accepted you will receive a COBC Free Boat Pack containing a safe boating DVD, safety brochures, your COBC numbers ready to fit to your boat and much more.

Personal Details

Boat Details

Marketing Survey

What club activities are you interested in?