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About COBC - Canterbury Outboard Boating Club

Like Boating? Join Our Club There Is Something for Everyone!

Our objectives are to promote outboard and power boating as a safe and pleasurable family activity. The COBC offers members the use of club equipment for free and the opportunity to get involved in a variety of activities for people with a common interest, on and off the water.

These include:

  • Water sports
  • Boat cruising
  • Fishing trips
  • General boating events
  • Off water social events
  • Use of water toys
  • Monthly magazine
  • Low annual subscription

Whether your interests are water sports, fishing,
general boating, socialising or all of the above, the COBC has something for you.

The COBC has a wide range of members ageing from newborns through to senior citizens, some members have been in the club for over thirty years.

We are based in Christchurch NZ & and are one of the few clubs in Christchurch offering a watersports club, a fishing club and water skiing club all within the Canterbury Outboard Boating Club organisation. You are welcome to attend any or all of the events that the club offers each month.

Events run from Lyttleton, Akaroa, Lake Hood, Twizel, Lake Benmore, Lake Brunner, Picton, Marlborough Sounds.

Also many off the water events around Christchurch NZ.

Overnight Boating Trips

Members of the COBC are welcome to the many weekend overnight trips that are organised throughout the year with the highlight being the Annual COBC Otematata Easter Weekend that attracts around thirty boats and their families (approximately one hundred people) and is a hive of activity for the many children of all ages in the club. This is a well organised weekend and welcome to all members. Don't forget your petrol as the boat will spend more time in the water than on the land this weekend, with planned events including waterskiing, fishing, poker run... the list goes on. The meals are great and the entertainment continues right into the night. Not to be missed, see you there.